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Showing posts from March, 2021


The Love I Crave

I think everyone has “a thing,” or a milieu of them, that they turn to in order to create some sort of semblance of control or comfort. These things feel like safe-guards - little walls that surround a protected corner of ourselves in hopes that keeping other people, circumstances, and unwanted emotions out will give us the security we long for. The problem is: we were not created to build our own self-sustaining-protective walls. And, we can’t stop the world around us from affecting our lives. We can choose how we respond in spite of the affects, but we cannot protect ourselves from them. God can. God is a sun and shield (Psalm 84:11). He is our strong refuge (Psalm 71:7),  our fortress (Psalm 59:17), and strength (Exodus 15:2). An ever-present help in trouble (Psalm 46:1). God is our helper and the upholder of our lives (Psalm 54:4).  In my humanity I often try to act as God. I try to fortress myself in. I try to numb the discomfort of unwanted emotions with shopping, cleaning, e

Saying "Yes"